

on stromboli

“As the bee collects the nectar and departs without injuring the flower or its colour or its fragrance,

thus the wise dwell in the world”.

Siddharta Gautama

The pleasure of simplicity

Stromboli is an island on which we can celebrate life’s simple, yet precious pleasures.

One needs only bring the simplest of wardrobes: we can leave our elegant clothes at home, as there will be no need for them, and forget high heels, which would just be dangerous. It is enough to bring a few wraps for the beach, and a comfortable pair of shoes in which to brave the earthen paths. We can also leave our everyday fears at home: crime has yet to reach Stromboli.

But don’t forget your pocket torch, as, thankfully, the streets have no electric lighting! The light pollution of Stromboli’s skies is exceptionally low: the stars are arrayed in clusters, and on moonless nights, it’s as though we could reach out and touch them. To become part of this extraordinary scene, one has only to switch off the lights on the terrace of the house. So your neighbours may also enjoy such beauty, remember to turn on external lights only when necessary.



The life all around us

This house tries to live as much as possible in harmony with the nature surrounding it, a nature always as full of life by night as it is by day: geckos waiting patiently before striking out at moths; shy, harmless snakes gliding through the grass; hawks balanced on a breath of wind spying their prey; wild rabbits sniffing the fresh morning air; bees collecting nectar from caper flowers . . . This wonderful world is their home: please avoid using insecticides, poisons or anything else that might damage the flora and fauna of our surroundings.
Four-legged friends will find a small paradise where they can live moments of happiness and they will always be welcome if they are sociable and respectful of the spaces and other neighborhood inhabitants.
The philosophy of sustainable hospitality also suggests not to forget that water is precious everywhere, even more in Stromboli: in fact there are no water sources on the island and the supply comes from Naples with the “water ship”. 
In this house, according to the ancient Aeolian tradition, tap water is mainly of rain origin which is collected from the roofs and terraces. 
Keeping the latter clean as much as possible without ever throwing water, detergents or anything else, avoids polluting the rain tank collected through the corner vents. In general, attention to waste is also an invitation to reflect on the precious gifts that too often we take for granted: please, pay attention to saving water and, when possible, try to recycle it by reusing it for multiple uses and to water the plants around you.



A sea of things to do

To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual.

(Oscar Wilde)


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